Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed in again

I thought that getting snowed in would make me more productive, but it did not. I got a couple of projects done including another paper origami crane strand and a bottle of lucky stars. I did not get much photography taken though. I've realized exactly how much light I need to get the best shot. Perfectly clear days provide too much light so I need cloudy days. The soft lighting that comes though my window is perfect. It doesn't cast crazy shadows and gives just the right amount of light; early afternoon is also the best time. So of course now I think I'll be a nut about watching the weather so I can photograph my new products. I don't plan on rushing it either. As much as I want to list new items I don't want anymore crappy, inconsistent photos. This means waiting for the best light, even if it's a week from now. Sigh, I just need to be patient.

In the mean time, I wanted to show you my newest purchase from etsy, these lavender sachets! They're super cute and smell wonderful. I have one in my drawer (I'll leave it up to your imagination which drawer I mean) and I think I'll hang one near my bed too. She has many other sachets for sale so check out her shop!

Lavender Sachets by Hope and Joy Studios

This is only small part of the etsy shopping spree I went on recently. I am still waiting on two more packages which I will be sure to post here when they finally arrive. A girl's gotta treat herself every now and then, right?

1 comment:

Pattie said...

Sorry about the snow :(

But at least you are getting some shopping done!