Monday, February 1, 2010

"Winter cleaning"

I've decided to do a complete revamp of my store. I'm not happy with the way my products are displayed, the photography, and even the selection. Since I'm beginning to add different products to my shop, I want everything to be balanced out. I have too much photography grouped together, same with the flowers. I know I can rearrange it how I like, but I still don't have enough variety.

I may even run a "contest" of sorts, looking for graphic design submissions to give me a new banner. The winner would win a free rose from my shop and I'd credit their work in my profile. Look for more details on that later (should I decide to actually do it). I'll admit, I made my current banner using the paint program on my computer. It was good enough to start, but I'm getting bored with it. Sometimes I really wish I had taken a graphic design course in college.

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